Foods That Help To Reduce Tooth Sensitivity

Foods That Help To Reduce Tooth Sensitivity

Often our oral health is overlooked, however it should be a high priority when it comes to our overall health! Looking after our oral health is key, as it helps us to keep a happy and healthy smile for as long as possible. While focusing on Non-Weight Related Fitness Goals like improved circulation, you might also experience reduced tooth sensitivity. You reduce issues like bad breath, as well as reducing your risk of oral diseases, whilst also having the benefit of saving money long term as you will spend less on dental care and getting teeth replaced! So, we’re here with a few foods that help to reduce tooth sensitivity and improve your oral health. 

Top 5 Foods That Help To Reduce Tooth Sensitivity

Dairy Products

Firstly with our foods that help to reduce sensitivity, we have dairy products! Dairy products are high in calcium, which helps to protect and strengthen the enamel, to reduce the risk of tooth decay. Not only does it help your teeth, mouth and gums, but it helps to keep the rest of your bones healthy too. Try to avoid dairy products that contain high levels of sugar or fat, like very fatty cheeses or flavoured milks and yoghurts, as this can detract from the positive effects, whilst also usually containing less calcium. Instead, stick to things like greek yoghurt, normal milk and regular cheeses like cheddar. If you’re vegan, often dairy free alternatives are fortified with calcium so will have a similar effect, otherwise you could access calcium through other avenues like supplements, or eat it through your diet with tofu, beans, kale, sweet potatoes, chia seeds and almonds. Effective pain management for tooth sensitivity involves a combination of at-home care and professional dental treatments. Try to eat a portion of dairy a day to help keep your oral health in check as well as to look after the rest of your health. In terms of foods that help to reduce sensitivity, this one is definitely up there. 

Crunchy Vegetables

Next up we have crunchy vegetables. Eating things like carrot, celery, peppers and cucumber raw is great for the teeth in terms of foods that help to reduce sensitivity, as the crunchy nature of them cleans the teeth as you chew, helping to remove some bacteria residue from the foods and drinks you consume, to then keep your teeth clean and reduce the risk of tooth decay. Whilst this certainly doesn’t remove the need for a thorough oral health routine at the beginning and end of the day, snacking on crunchy vegetables in the afternoon is great for the teeth. It’s also important for your jaw, as the act of chewing helps to keep your jaw in good condition and maintain the position of your teeth where they should be. They’re also great for your skincare routine! We love dipping crunchy vegetables into dips like hummus and tzatziki. 

Green Tea

Although not technically in the category of foods that help to reduce tooth sensitivity, drinking green tea is fantastic for your overall oral health and therefore helping to reduce tooth sensitivity. Green tea is known to reduce the amount of negative bacteria in the mouth, often produced as a result of consuming sugary or carby foods. With antioxidant properties, it protects the enamel and reduces the risk of inflammation. One of the best things you can do is to replace one sugary drink a day with a green tea, as not only are you removing one more negative drink for your oral health, but providing your body with a positive one in replacement. 

Protein Sources

Another group of foods that help to reduce tooth sensitivity is high protein foods. They contain good levels of phosphorus, to strengthen the enamel of the teeth and reduce sensitivity. Incorporating enough meat, fish, poultry, beans and lentils into your diet is fantastic for your overall health, as it also helps to build and repair tissues for quicker recovery, as well as benefiting your oral health. Snacking on nuts like almonds or cashews is also a great source of protein, with the crunch being good for your teeth. Aim to eat a handful’s worth of protein with every meal, whether that’s greek yoghurt as a dessert or a portion of chicken breast, and it can really help your oral health. 

Read: 5 Ways To Prioritise Your Oral Health Today! 

Leafy Greens

Last but certainly not least we have leafy greens. Foods like spinach, kale, rocket, cabbage and watercress contain plenty of vitamin A and vitamin C, which can improve the health of your gums, as well as fight the buildup of bacteria. So, eating more of these foods, ideally raw, is fantastic for your oral health. Plus, they’re generally packed full of nutrients, so although they are foods that help to reduce tooth sensitivity, they also benefit the rest of your body too! Brushing with toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth can help reduce tooth sensitivity and improve your nursing ability.

Final Thoughts

So, there are our foods that help to reduce tooth sensitivity. It’s so important that you are aware of your oral health, visit your dentist Wakefield or Wolverhampton based to make sure everything is as healthy as it should be, and also look after your overall health in general, as often the things that are good for one part of our health are good for everything! 

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