Health Things You Should Know in Pregnancy

Things to Know in Pregnancy

In order to stay healthy during pregnancy, both for yourself and your baby, it’s vital that you are aware of some essential health-related things. Here is what you need to know.

Maintain a healthy weight

For starters, you should know that gaining a certain amount of weight during pregnancy will help your baby be healthy and grow. However, too much or too little is not good for you or the little one. Too much weight can lead to gestational or type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. The best way to know how much weight to gain is by talking to your doctor to see what would be appropriate for you and have them set a goal. Your age, weight, and height will all play a role here. It’s important that you don’t try to lose weight during this time.

Pay attention to what you eat and drink

What you eat during pregnancy is very crucial. While a diverse diet is recommended to cover all the food groups, there are some foods and drinks that you need to avoid. So, steer clear of caffeine and alcohol, fish with high levels of mercury like marlin, swordfish, and king mackerel, raw, undercooked, and unpasteurized foods that could contain Listeria or E. coli, including soft cheeses, seafood, and deli meat, and anything that is not food. You might get some weird cravings so don’t be surprised if you suddenly crave plastic or clay. On the other hand, keep up with your vitamins.

Infographic provided by International Surrogacy Center, a top surrogacy agency

Make sure to get enough physical activity

You should also stay active while pregnant. It will help with everything from maintaining weight to reducing bloating and back and leg pain. Additionally, it might even help reduce the risk of preeclampsia and C-section and make the labor and postpartum recovery period shorter. You can try walking, swimming, and yoga to stay fit.

Take care of your dental health

Something that can be easy to overlook is dental health. While you might think that keeping up with your usual routine will be enough, you should still take special care of your oral hygiene as it is highly affected during pregnancy. In addition to hormonal changes, you might also reach for junk food more often even without thinking about it, which can affect the health of your teeth. Moreover, the acid that follows morning sickness can damage the enamel of your pearly whites as well.

Think about your mental health

Mental health is also a very important factor during pregnancy. For example, it’s not uncommon to worry about whether everything will go smoothly, how the baby will grow, and if you’ll be a good parent. In some cases, the financial situation can also lead to stress. No matter if you experience anxiety or depression, you can always turn to your doctor for some advice. They might suggest therapy or some other form of improving your mental state. Perhaps talking things through with your partner and support system will make you feel a bit better.

Stop smoking and drinking

Once you find out that you are pregnant, you want to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. If you are a smoker, it’s vital that you curb this habit while pregnant. As each cigarette contains more than four thousand chemicals and restricts oxygen supply, you can see how it can be harmful to your baby. This way, you will reduce the risk of stillbirth, premature birth, and complications and have a healthier baby. Furthermore, drinking can also lead to long-term harm to the little one as the placenta passes it onto their body. Miscarriage, premature birth, and low weight are all possible as well as problems with learning, organs, social skills, hyperactivity, and speech later on in life.

Don’t forget about your pregnancy appointments

Finally, you don’t want to forget about your antenatal appointments. By going to these regularly, you will be able to see if everything is under control and ask your doctor any questions you might have. You can enquire about baby movements, get some tips for better sleep, and learn more about whether you are allowed to travel. What is more, during these checkups, you can talk to your doctor about any health concerns you might have or any preexisting conditions.

If you’re currently expecting or want to get pregnant soon, keep these basic health things in mind. Always turn to your doctor if you’re in doubt.

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