In today’s day and age, having cosmetic treatment is as common as popping into the shop for milk. While some reputable practices will have the necessary precautions in place there are several ‘off the radar’ cosmetic providers that do not abuse the legal standards. Whether it’s allowing underage people to have treatments, or using unregulated solutions that can cause serious harm, it’s important to recognise when the desire for cosmetic engagements has gone too far. In this blog, we are going to share scenarios in which if you find yourself considering treatments under the cinematics, it will be imperative that you steer clear from going ahead with treatments.
Here are some scenarios in which you should avoid cosmetic enhancements should you find yourself considering them:
When your current health is already at risk

Any reputable cosmetic practitioner or plastic surgeon will only allow you to undergo treatment if your health meets the safety requirements. Whether it’s being within a certain weight limit, or having stable blood pressure, you will not be permitted for surgery if you are at risk due to already present health issues. That being said, if you have been turned away from qualified practitioners due to this, you should refrain from having any kind of treatment. Many make the fatal mistake of seeking someone who will perform the treatment regardless, but this can put your life at risk. Listen to their advice, and make health adjustments that meet the requirements before seeking treatment once more.
When you are having surgeries near each other
Unless your cosmetic practitioner has confirmed that the type of cosmetic enhancements is safe to do within close time frames to each other, you should wait until you are fully recovered. Your body will need to use a lot of its energy and white blood cells to prevent any kind of infection at the surgical site. Having another major operation is not usually recommended until at least 6 -12 months after the first surgery. This will ensure that your recovery will go smoothly, and also limit the risk of infection and blood clots.
Read: Transforming Healthcare Through Value-Based Care
When your doctor/ surgeon has advised against it
If your surgeon or doctor has advised against having cosmetic enhancements due to health concerns, listen. They are professionals and will have a better understanding of the risks that surgery can impose. Often, uneducated patients make the mistake of finding unregulated practitioners to fulfil their requests regardless. This can be life-threatening, so be sure to avoid any form of enhancements if you have been warned of detrimental risk.
When you are seeing overseas ‘cheaper’ options
If you have found yourself looking for overseas cosmetic enhancement options to cut costs, you need to stop and think about the implications. Cheap overseas cosmetic treatments are not only a risk to your health, but they are a risk to your life entirely. Often, the reason for their low prices is the lack of regulation and qualifications from the practitioners themselves. Also, the risk of infection is much higher for overseas cosmetic enhancements, hence why they should be avoided at all costs. Language barriers can also play a key part in issues related to overseas options. Trying to communicate your concerns can be difficult when no one available can speak your native language.
When you have experienced nerve damage following surgery
If you have already had surgery and suffered nerve damage as a result of it, it might be best to avoid any form of surgery until the matter is resolved. Nerve damage can last anywhere from 6 months to 3 years, or in more severe cases it can be much longer. Risks associated with surgery, such as nerve damage, can not be avoided entirely, although a reputable surgeon will be able to mitigate risks as much as possible.
When you find yourself dissatisfied no matter the procedure
If you have undergone some cosmetic procedures in the past, and still find yourself seeking more, it might be time to look at bettering yourself in other ways. Putting your body under the trauma of surgery multiple times can be life-threatening after some time. Always seeking the next improvement can be a self-destructive slope that needs to be nurtured in other ways. Seek support from friends and family and figure out why you are so set up to achieve this “perfect” version of yourself. The chances are that there’s a deeper-rooted problem that needs to be tended to that goes beyond the knife.
Final thoughts
Overall, cosmetic and plastic surgery should not be looked down on and does have proven physical and mental benefits for several patients. Only when you find yourself pushing for surgery despite being advised against it, or even looking for cheaper overseas options should you take a moment to reconsider your decision making. Be safe, and be sure to consult with your cosmetic surgeon in Manchester.
Author’s Bio
Amy Jones is a freelance health and wellness writer from Manchester. She loves researching and writing about new cosmetic trends trends and topics, as well as keeping up to date with the latest health news. She has worked with a number of reputable physicians, from plastic surgeons in Manchester to nursing facilities in London. When not writing, you can find her taking long walks in the countryside with her dog or browsing her nearest bookstore.